
(08) 8244 2763

129-133 South Terrace,
Wingfield SA 5013



Lightweight, rigid construction.

Our Cladding System  is easy to install.

Its lightweight, rigid construction enables it to be easily transported, unloaded and maneuvered onto any building site. This contributes to fast construction times and reduced construction costs.

Thermal Insulation
Thermal & Energy satisfy the AS1366 Part 3-1992 Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Moulded Class ‘M’ Grade (Medium Grade) standards and tests.

Decorative exterior wall finish
All panels are coated and reinforced with an exterior Cladding System consisting of two coats of polymeric render (base coat) and one coat of acrylic texture coat having a minimum coating thickness of 6mm.

The pre-rendered factory coated panels. By pre-rendering with polymer-modified render and alkaline-resistant fibreglass mesh,  then only the joints need coating after installation.

Cross-section of the Walling System

Cladding Foamfast Cross-section of the Walling System

Our cladding offers coating on one side and is suitable for both straight and curved wall applications.